Owen Hayes Motorsport
Cars have only become more sophisticated and faster. You need to focus on gaining performance in the shortest amount of time to stay ahead. With many so years of performance race engineering, doesn’t it make sense to concentrate on what is important to get those results? With a detailed-oriented and data driven approach, I can provide the tools and structure to get your championship on track.
ContactThere is so much more involved than just turning up at track to drive fast and this is an especially rewarding part of my job. I have coached, mentored and developed multiple Porsche Junior drivers and fine-tuned many works drivers over a lot of seasons. I take great pride in developing a driver and showing them what they need to do. Let me help you successfully prepare and meet your targets. Please see my career results for a list of the drivers that I have worked with and developed and feel free to ask any one of them about my work.
ContactTeams and manufacturers often require extra resources at test or race events. I can offer teams support and consultation on achieving their goals at test or race events.
ContactOne of my passions! I have been involved in more tire testing than I care to remember and I love the challenge of finding the best tire combination for a car with a data-driven and subjective feedback approach.
ContactThere are often issues between manufacturers and component suppliers. On many occasions, I have consulted with either the manufacturer or suppliers in order to find quick and effective resolutions. For example, simple cultural differences can lead to issues. While accompanying a manufacturer’s or supplier’s quality audit teams, my European and U.S. background and knowledge of large motorsport manufacturers operations have led to a very valuable perspective in past projects.
ContactI especially relish the challenge of providing the support and leadership to provide teams and organizations with a solid foundation. I have set up works racing programs and advised many new teams with what is required to effectively go racing.